2003-09-16 Emails to Poems Tremor

Book: Castle View

This much I have to say.
The slight tremor you feel
when I question love
Is the same I feel
when you say what you seek
is happiness...
Do you seek a person
or just happiness
Where does a human
with frailties fit in.  
Happiness is a precarious perch...
I feel that you could be gone
In a flash
if you ever felt
you weren't...
I tremble
In my soul
On that thought.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I would not be able to sleep without knowing what you wrote.  I will answer these queries in the light of day...
But this much I have to say.
The slight tremor you feel inside when I question love is the same I feel when you say that what you seek is
happiness...Do you seek a person or just happiness Where does a human with frailties fit in.  Happiness is
a precarious perch...I feel that you could be gone in a flash if you ever felt you weren't..."happy".  I tremble
in my soul on that thought.

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