2003-01-06 Conversation on the Wall

Book: Castle View

I want to wrap up in a blanket
And lay in the sun with you.
I want to visit the vistas of the world
Then make love to you
And at the end of the day
I will tell you how beautiful you are
And any view in the world
Doesn't compare to you.


I melt with these words you say
I blend to your soul with these words.
You touch my heart, you touch my soul,
You touch my very being with these words.
And when I say Thank you with tears in my eyes
You say, Oh baby don't thank me
I'm just telling you what I see.
And you say this with such conviction
You say it with such certainty.
That the vistas in the world fade
And the blanket in the sun
Is your arms.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I finished this 2 years later I can still him him tell me these things

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