off your finger,
Make a wish the
universe can't handle,
It sticks to the tip,
Adhers to the skin,
It's not going anywhere,
With that wish.
Knock on wood
with your knuckle,
Ward off demons
the world is fighting.
It bruises the fist
Dents the balsam,
Summon your own defense
With that gesture.
Pinch the salt
off the table,
Beg forgivness
of the god's
Clumsiness noted
Of a chemical notation
Be sure you aim it
Over your shoulder.
You wished for love from someone who loves.
You asked for health from a world gone mad.
You pray for protection from the arms of evil,
So you blow lashes to the sky,
Sound hollow taps on Formica encased wood
And hope the salt,
Is truly
Bed Time Routine
He says, You
Take too long getting ready for bed.
So I hand him the remote to go find my socks.
I brush my teeth, floss and pluck,
Take contacts out, flick them to the trash.
They miss most times, and leave
Blue dots on the toilet seat.
I do take too long to get ready for bed
Sometimes I get untired by the time I am ready,
That I wander off and start something new.
Meanwhile, he’s watched half of SNL
And we forget our plan to make love.
I have to go back out
to turn the lights off
To lock the front door
To secure the back
After he puts the remote down and pads to the bedroom.
He wonders why I, take so long
To get ready for bed.
The doors have to be locked,
Alarms have to be set,
Water glasses filled,
Bathroom lights extinguished,
And bedroom lamps pulled.
He’s already naked, covered to the neck in quilts, and
Says, Why
Do you take so long to get ready for bed?
As I crawl toward that much anticipated slumber.
Hmm, I think,
Did I find my socks…
It Isn’t About You
Isn’t about me?
So, when is it
About me?
Must I die, or be
Before it’s about me?
When can I take up space
In your mind
With the things I think, you are
What are you thinking?
Then, why do you think it’s not,
About me.
You must have thought about it.
Or, if you haven’t
How do you know
It isn’t…
About me.