Heron Clan May 19 2024

Fall Still Laid

Fall still laid on the Spring grounds,

Coupled chairs from evening fires

Root themselves into composting leaves,

A lover should come, a lover should blow away the debris

But no lover comes, no lover goes,

from the drying field

No lover, no friend, no heart, no talk

All quiet outside the park, all quiet in the woods

Just the birds chirping sounds of mating


From Spring grounds still filled with Fall.


Wadded Up

Crumble you up  

Like a mistaken sheet in a sketch book

Drain it’s wayward color from my life 

To puddled hues 

On the floor

Toss the wad to the heap

Of misguided lines and realities

What I want and what is there

Don’t meet in the width of  pencil lines

Perspective a-kilter-ed 

not meeting the horizon line

Not even a study in abstraction

But a distillation of the red of the heart

Seeping into the fibers of the paper

Rendering it failed and destroyed

And utterly useless

Except as filler in a hole.  




Saunter pastoral flimsy ignore attraction acoustics axiomatic seed orange purple

Purple Duvet Poem


as onto a pastoral glen,

The flimsy gauze of daybreak gathers,

Ignoring acoustics of night birds settling.

The attraction axiomatic to his hearts desires

He settles himself down in the purple duvet

And gives her his seed in the growing orange light.


Male offer dinner end debt decide page brick assert string


 Dinner Date Poem

The male offers dinner and for her end of the debt he decides to collect and writes her a page.

She answers him back with a brick to assert a coupling wont happen with his string for a penis.



Ensemble day raspy numberless oven  buzz arrogant typeset cautious ache

Soldier Poem

His ensemble in the kitchen

Makes her day start raspy

Numbness sets in,

The oven buzzs arrogant,

The newsprint typeset

A cautious warning displayed

She aches for his homecoming

Aches for him

Every day

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