Adirondack Chairs
by Deborah T Johnson
Jigsaw puzzle of greenery, the trees
nestle next to each in the
slicing sideways light of sunset.
The yard in the back is filled with it, filled
with the late, late summer side slant of sun.
The plastic Adirondack chairs shadowed,
left, as we left them, askew,
me, looking at you,
maybe my feet
in your lap...
No, it wasn’t us that set them ajar.
The one time we sat there, your discomfort
grated on my tranquil storybook vision, of us
sitting in the sun,
The Wine,
we went inside.
Now I see them, those pretend plastic, pale
blue, light blue to match-the-house,
chairs of ease,
one chair looking at the other, while the other
stares off
We meant to build a fire that summer,
a fire pit evening of Romance,
but I saw your dis-ease.
Was it the heat?
The drone of the bugs?
The chance of a gnat,
in your drink?
Or was it-
something else,
something not found
in the sideways slant of cooling air.
Something, off in that horizon,
by the pale blue, the light blue
cutting your sight
from the road.
It must have been-
because, you said Goodbye,
several times that summer.
A nod, a kiss, and you were off,
in your mind, because you never left,
but sat, in your uncomfortable
of not belonging here, or where you thought,
you belonged,
wistful plans set ablaze, not by midnight cords of wood
in a pile amongst the rocks, but
set ablaze, by a whimsy, a promise,
not promise.
We sat,
that summer, and watched the flowers in the pots bloom,
and the rains carry one away,
and the gnats gnatting as gnats do,
cannon balling into pinot,
taking up residence,
in that pale blue, light blue house
with plastic mountain chairs
on the lawn.
Those chairs,
those Adirondack chairs,
still sit in the shadow of the slanting sun,
still sit, still sit waiting,
for a time things will be right
with the world.
We just have to get to the other side of That Summer,
find the whimsy,
fulfill the wistful promise,
fly down that open road,
and no longer sit,
in an uncomfortable
askew, in plastic