Heron Clan: Oct 10, 2021, Love First Sight, Hometown, Tears Bombs

 Love At First Sight


Love is not first sight, 

it is the last sight,
it is the sight in the early morning,
it is the last sight at night.
Love is not wakeful,
love is rest and letting your brain breath.
Let it cope and not occupy
your thoughts to distraction from your self 
but to illustrate yourself. 
Love is not at first sight
but at last sight


Hometown home town,

The town where I was born?

Home town or hometown,

The town when I live now. 


The town I just moved from?

Home town

The town I’m moving to? 


The home of records town. 

Same town Hometown

Where grandma’s buried now. 

Where are you from? Hometown? 

A query often met

With a deep deep breath and

An eager eager smile 

From a child of traveling parents

Casually inserting self. 

How many ships crossings

How many new houses

How many friend left

And often forgotten. 

The regret of the lost

Of a town to call home 

Made up by the memories

Of saintly old bones

Cathedrals and church

And a castle or two. 

When asked the opening question

To start the ball rolling,

A boulder heads down 

An avalanche of lived spaces


I’ve lived there, too’s.

A roll of eyes 

Where haven’t you lived?

Africa I think

Oh wait maybe I have.  

While there’s

Nowhere to have come from 

There nowhere to return to 

But not something to miss

If never you have had

A hometown 

to go back to. 

A home town to

Come back from

Tears like Bombs

Have you lost your favorite toy 
She failed you, disappoint you
So now you stare 
So now you don't care
Hurt travels through tears like bombs
Ruptures the landscape of loss
Loss of trust
Loss of dreams
Loss like books in the Bible 
You are tossed 
Across a Sea of Galilee 
A direction home. 
Dry the well of deserved tears
Til they choke on brambles in the hills
Murdered by descent 
Murdered by laments
Ground to dust 
They muddy
In the quick fire up there
As it slow burns your life
Down here. 
Like milkweed in the breeze


Author's Notes/Comments: 

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