Heron Clan: October 3, 2021, Beast Moment, Competitive Love, Scrambled Eggs

Beast of the Moment

The beast of the moment,

Is to see this through.

To understand the format,

But be compelled, to


Mark sudden indifferences

To what I am feeling.

Slowly showing faces

Which I'm not forgiving.


Time Time Time

Passes abhorrent. 

Weakening the water

That once held us buoyant


Finalize and futurized

Look outward for the omen

Metaphorically rhyming

The beast to the moment.

Competitive Love


Competition for a heart, she made 

her way down the hall.  Checking

doors and windows to be sure no one

gets inside.  Stuffing her hands deep

in her pockets, avoiding touch and

caresses.  Marking heel scuffs on the 

floors.  Picking lint from her fingers

she lifts her hands to pray.

Competition for love keeps 

the sunlight out.  Drapes of heavy damask

mask the need inside.  Drawn and

pulled with her praying hands, she

cries into the fabric.

Competition for her heart has  long

passed.  She breaks the brocade and

peeks outside.  Happy couples

coupled by their limbs.  Intertwined in

soft possession.  Gone for her now.




Scrambled Eggs and Wine

My mother’s eyes were hazel,

gray on the days 

when there were pains,

Blue on the days she giggled, green

in times she stewed

in the juices she made,

And admitted 


I’m a mess. 

But I love you just the same.

They all look at you 

when you come in the room.

You light it up 

She'd say,

Your smile, your eyes, 

They all look at you.

I glance around 

And see no one's gaze,

Just an afternoon lunch

Of scrambled eggs, white wine, 

Side of bacon, and toast. 

They served breakfast all day,

The restaurant dim, but sunny bright,

Comfortable hues, soft fabrics, 

Familiar walls and table linen. 

You are so beautiful,  

She’d tell me, and I smiled,

Thanks, Mom, not believing.

Her eyes were red most days, 

Watery, and 'l'm a mess' colored. 

Her missing

Him missing

I’m missing 

Scrambled eggs and wine. 


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