Hometown: Memoir Challenge

Memoir Challenge

Hometown home town,

The town where I was born?

Home town or hometown,

The town when I live now. 


The town I just moved from?

Home town

The town I’m moving to? 


The home of records town. 

Same town Hometown

Where grandma’s buried now. 

Where are you from? Hometown? 

A query often met

With a deep deep breath and

An eager eager smile 

From a child of traveling parents

Casually inserting self. 

How many ships crossings

How many new houses

How many friend left

And often forgotten. 

The regret of the lost

Of a town to call home 

Made up by the memories

Of saintly old bones

Cathedrals and church

And a castle or two. 

When asked the opening question

To start the ball rolling,

A boulder heads down 

An avalanche of lived spaces


I’ve lived there, too’s.

A roll of eyes 

Where haven’t you lived?

Africa I think

Oh wait maybe I have.  

While there’s

Nowhere to have come from 

There nowhere to return to 

But not something to miss

If never you have had

A hometown 

to go back to. 

A home town to

Come back from. 

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