Heron Clan Reading: January 24,2021

Sitting on my Stoop

I looked up to see,

To what I thought I heard,

A sea, scraping on a beach.

Instead, I saw the street,

Running past my door. 

The drier leaves of winter 

Scraping hard upon the  concrete, 

Rustling in mistaken cadence, 

Like an ocean against a shore.

Rainy Kiss

There was a kiss in the rain.

Two umbrellas overlapping 
At different heights,
A canopy of color
In the grey and moist daylight.
Ankles wet, I slid into your kiss,
I fit under your arm
In the sideways kiss of good bye,
See you later, see you soon,
One foot going, the other wishing to stay.

Warm and flush from your presence 

In the hushed and muted rain scape,
In the stillness of that moment
In the heart stopping
A heart filling 
A heart opening
Where the world


Two umbrellas overlapped,
There was a kiss.


It Being October

The leaf shot across the drive

Like a bat, it being October.

I thought I saw a flutter

and a swoop

through the arc of the street lamp

of a myth of rabies

in our midst.

But it were a leaf 

that fell,

quick and hearty before the wind

on a clear moon full night with

clouds creeping across the sky,

It being October.


The acorns crash with the stormy

stir of wind.

They fall like heavy raindrops or hail,


clanking the grill of August

left open to air out,

the mold

filling its charcoal bottom

laden now with oak nuts,

they aim, banking off the metal firepit

like a roulette ball spinning to a stop.


Now the nuts are gathered in a blanket

of knobs to make you slip and

Fall, it being October,

Across the drive, the car safe in the

Portico, the neighbor, not so lucky,

Clanks again on the Camry's roof,

Maybe its a chevy, taupe or silver.


All had been quiet till an odd wind

Shot the leaf across the drive

Like a bat in the moonlight,

It being October.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Heron Clan is an anthology series where my poem are featured 

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