His life was the manure on a highway
Out of time and flattened
Seeping up through the concrete
Not meant to be there, but here now
A veil lifted, a hidden era penetrated
Out of time, out of sequence
Out of touch
With life.
She was the solidifier of time, life.
Her roots, back thru the concrete,
Corroded his tenure on living
And he conceded to her,
Crumbled and aged in the midst
Of ruin
Sepia mist
Rubber grooved, tired.
Going on was not an option
Staying still was not the plan
But tethered in dystrophy
Was not a hopeful place
The bones ached with displeasure
The eyes watered with weeping
Birdlike the hobbled man
Age and temperment
Cannot be discussed
Cannot be reasoned
Hatred deeply seeping
Not resolved no resolve
Evil bleeding
All the good
From your heart.