Bricks of Concrete: August 13, 1961 Memories of the Berlin Wall

Bricks of Concrete: August 13, 1961

Memories of the Berlin Wall


Isolated in a sea of concrete, that

Are crushed to mold barriers to light,

Guns bear down on that summer day,

That grey summer day with sweaters on.

Cold, and separated,  fear, and confused,

She’s pressed up against chain link fences

Of great height.


Tank barricades and midnight alerts,

Fears of the orphaned lives.

Small child lost in a crush of crowds,

“Why are there guns, Daddy?”

“Why are the people crying, Mommy?”

As she, the child, is rushed against the

Fence of chain.


“They want to take your freedom, Daughter,”

“Surrounding you with industrial brick.”

Crushed and pillioned, of torn down buildings,

Homes of people, lost and stolen,

To make their bricks, hastened to hold them, all

In, on that cold day, grey, in August

Of the Wall.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was there as a child in Berlin the weekend the Wall went up overnight.  I was 6

Read Heron Clan Zoom Aug 2 2020

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