I am curled in your dreams, waiting,
Awaiting your return to this realm.
Spending the hours you sleep,
Dreaming, of our tomorrows, when,
Awake at the same time, we touch,
Caress, and I hold the phantom of your body, missing from my life.
I pray, and I plead, barter with the universe and gods,
To put us in the common air, common landscape of each other's skin.
I want to touch that skin,
To match it to the words from my lips,
they glide over your tender reply,
But til distance, vanished,and the ardent rise of your response,
Taste and scent memories will fill the empty times that you sleep,
While I, in my dayllight life, live without you.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Six Hours Away
I am curled in your dreams, waiting,
awaiting your return to this realm.
Spending the hours you sleep,
dreaming, of our tomorrows, when,
awake at the same time, we touch,
caress, and I hold the phantom of your body, missing from my life.
I pray, and I plead, barter with the universe and gods,
to put us in the common air, common landscape of each other's skin.
I want to touch that skin,
to match it to the words from my lips,
that glide over your tender reply.
But, til distance, vanished, and the ardent rise of your response,
taste and scent memories will fill the empty times that you sleep,
while I, in my daylight life, live without you.