
I boldly refuse
to waste one more tear
Eternally daydreaming
to just hold you near
A suttle subdivision
of the muddy and clear
To know you no longer
is a deep hidden fear
A brief hiatus
Long enough to break
A shaky continuum
This sudden heartache
Discomforting silence
A cloak I cannot shake
It does not assist
the decisions I make
My vision is burning
As eyes do not meet
Acceptance of this
an unbearable feat
I long for those memories
Of what we could be
Or at least the confusion
between day
and daydreams

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SSmoothie's picture

again absolutely brilliant!

This is a magnificent write I could very much identify and empathise and the language choice just felt so right! Amazing I wrote a few like this lately, dust and grin and bare it it really hit the spot for ne poetically. Missed ya write more cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."