How do you trust,
The one who betrays?
The one who will smile,
Then lie to your face.
She slithers like a snake into your brain,
then plagues all your thoughts and places the blame.
She's dark and conniving in all that she does,
She feeds on the light and suffocates love.
I simply cannot forget when she is here,
Because nothing makes sense and she fills me with fear.
I want to break free and release her to go,
But all who surround me don't even know.
She is not who I am,
Her influence over me create actions and thoughts,
That don't ever work.
Yet when she says walk, I walk.
To conquer another, inbetween the dark and light world.
One knotch in her belt,
Without much of a fight.
A beautiful child she found in despair,
Attacked and pretended to nurture,
Her little broken soul.
"Don't worry my child it's all meant to be so,
And together we complete the dark to light rainbow."