It's been a while since I logged in with any desire to write.
But somehow, today, after speaking to my friend
I feel the urge tonight.
My friend is someone of whom I don't know
for you see we've never met.
But we work together and a friendship does show
but friendship is all I get.
I don't want more, not yet at least
for the wounds still run deep.
But I must confess that I think of them
lying here trying to sleep.
For now my friend is there to talk
about whatever I want it seems.
And I honestly hope that each night they sleep
and have only plesant dreams.
For they are my friend and as you well know
that friendship means a great deal.
For I do not lightly give friendship away
for someone to simply steal.
Nay, friendship to me is a special bond
that goes beyond time and space
and because of that bond it is often found
that you don't need to see the friends face.
But this friend understands, they've been there too.
They know just what I mean.
When I talk about the pains I feel
and the things that I have seen.
That is why I am happy to say
As I push the goodnight send.
I'm happy to know that you're there.
my new and awesome friend.
Poems about friendship are
Poems about friendship are among the best to read. Thanks for sharing this one. It would seem there are roughly two types of friends, one towards the acquaintance or the casual friend with whom camaraderie is real and ready and almost spontaneous. The other is the deeper kind, more sought after, that isn't bound by time or space; and tags for them are BFF, close friend, good friend, best friend, intimate friend... and the like to describe the depth of that connection. Thanks again!
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver