A Blessing Called Friendship

When no one leads your heart

When you stand alone in pain

Some holds your hand and

Asks happiness to rain once again.


When your mind is absorbed in questions 

When the heart is overwhelmed with emotions

There is always someone to share

To stand by you on every occasion.


Yes , the friend is one who holds your hand

The one who makes you smile 

The one who asks god 

To take you miles


A ray of hope in depression

A ray of light in distression

With no one knowing its base

Its still a mindless case......



Student of 8th

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is about TRUE friendship

How two friends are upset from each other but they still care about the feelings of each other

and i am sure that by reading this poem they will definately come close to each other and make

their bond of friendship much STRONGERSmile

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BeautifullyDawn's picture

awe(': i love it!!!

awe(': i love it!!! *applause* Great Job! Cool

Love Always, Me(: