You say those words so easily
You speak them as if they are just simple everyday words
Bu do you truly know what they mean
Or are they words of empty feelings
You never experienced the feeling to have them crushed down
So what could you possibly mean when you say them
Yeah, many want to hear them said
This is true, but you can't say em without knowing
What those simple letters spell out
L is for the the feeling of never wanting to leave or lose the
person you care so much for
O is for have opening feeling and openly expressing your
feelings in front of everyone for this special someone
V is for always giving or very best to see them happy even when
you are down and smiling so they know you care for them
E is for the end all, till the very end you would give anything
for them so they can live a wondrous life no
matter the peril
So what makes you think you have the right or ability to say these words
What is it that you see that lets you do so
These words can bring the darkest world light
And drag the brightest world down into darkness
Bite your tongue before you drown in your own foolishness
Until you know the pain as well as the joy you can not give this words out so easily
So don't let me hear you say them cause it makes me sick
To hear these words from someone who knows nothing of them
Because if you don't know the true feeling behind these
They are just empty feeling words
i like your poem. its really
i like your poem. its really important to know the behind meaning of every word
yeah it is, i just hear so
yeah it is, i just hear so many throw it out like it is an everyday word with no weight behind it. It just isn't right that they do that because it has so much power.