Surrounded by a crowd of envy
He stood in the center of its greed
As everyone fought for power in a frenzy
He watched as they made themselves bleed
The weakness of man, their desire
Always unhappy, looking for something more
No matter how much they are admired
Their greed is the center of their core
One man's ambition was power
With a mighty army, all were at his mercy
With his desire, the land he did scour
Until another came with his mighty navy
One man was raised by a poor family
Wanting more, he stole from the wealthy
He cheated and killed for naught but money
Until he was betrayed in turn, by his own buddy
One man found a woman to marry
But he desired more, he wanted many
He tried to buy another with his money
He lost everything, when he already had plenty
And alone in the center of their desire
Stands one man, who cannot be made into a liar
For he doesn't want power, women or money
He has no ambition, to live like the many
lots of truth here.
i find that the more wisdom i acquire, the less i want anything. except maybe knowledge. but even that can be a deadly pursuit. man always wants more - since the fall he has desired to become a god, to achieve something that is impossible, to grab the intangible, to understand the ineffable. it cannot be done. Christ died for this, to bring us to that perfection, satisfaction, holiness.. and for simply being what we could not be, they nailed him to a tree.
the kingdom of God is within you. everything external is a lie. keep writing