Dry Shrimp & Beer

Since the recent dead of my grandparent my family and I have had a moment remembering the

great thins of my grandpa and his habits. One very good habit from my grandpa and a very is

that he would always have a kind of tradition. Every single day he drove to the OXXO to buy two

“Tecate Light” beers and a bag of dry shrimp. This was his great snack in the day and his “alone”

moment. My grandpa sat every day on the sidewalk outside his house thinking and seeing

everyone who passes by his street. He always repeated this every day when he could, around

from four to six o’clock in the afternoon. He lived in Allende, N.L. a little town more or less fifty

minutes from Monterrey. Anyhow when one of us, his grandchildren would ride with him in his

truck, the smells in the interior were always dry shrimp. Of the heavy salt in these types of

shrimps, the smell, from a reasonable distance it would always be easy to identify it. After he was

getting older, this habit decreased a lot because his immune system was having difficulties to

work correctly and started to get sick very often. This was no reason to stop him completely

every once and a while he had his snack of dry shrimp accompanied by a beer. And when the

beer was to cold he would put it in the sink letting the water heat it to help his throat. My grandpa

before leaving the planet was in the hospital eleven months very severe and it was not until his

dead all of us his grandchildren and family, we started to remember about his typical snacks and

would have a great time and in some times we would cry a little by missing him. Since my

grandfather’s dead, my father starts doing this same habit, just a very unusual thing for him. My

father starter to pick up this kind of habit because he never knew what was his father thinking in

all that time so he started trying, he would do the same thing, buy some beer and some dry

shrimps. He normally sits in the yard of our house looking to the horizon having his time and

asking not to be disturbed. The funny thing is that mixing this shrimps with a beer would give a

great taste that probably would clear your mind for that moment or the rest of the day.

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