
I don't understand society, not in the slightest. I understand that humans are illogical creatures that we seek comforts and pleasures, that we're capable of the greatest deeds and most horrendous acts. But I don't get it. How have we come to this point, what happened, where did we go wrong? Yes there are still great writers, singers, artist, and thinkers amongst us but their numbers grow smaller with every passing hour. What happen to our passion? Has it always been this way, where common people would live and die in their apathy. I'm not excluding myself, my apathy sickens me, all the things and moments I don't care about and later on I don't care that I don't care, and then it comes back that feeling of disgust. I could live the rest of my days drinking beer and getting high watching movies, reading, and playing video games and for the most part be content. Truth be told I hate that about myself, and in direct contrast there is another part of me that wants so desperately to create something to make something beautiful and universal that all others can admire in some form or fashion. Maybe my inner introvert has closed me off from the people I need to meet and the things I need to see, but for now I feel like I live in a hole where me and everyone else is just going through the motions waiting to die. Damnit is this my fate?

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SSmoothie's picture

Yoy are too good for such a

Yoy are too good for such a lowly fate sir! You are a diamond a caputurer and spreader of lightjust do your thing and sparkle cause I think the same shit but nothing can interfere with my awesomeness at the end of the day no matter how or what I feel ;) rock on hugss  

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

allets's picture

About That Over-Thinking

as if getting high and watching tv is not a great endeavor. as if holes were not self-dug for living in on hot days for coolness. Bugs would envy you. Put up sign: HOLE-DWELLERS ONLY. When you are just ripe enough, you will climb to the stars and dance among constellations for sport, glance over your shoulder at Earth and wonder, "Sooooo, this is why I lived in that hole." Great minds come from isolation and contemplation. When a great mind causes a body to move, WATCHOUT! :D & :D ~a~



Diamond_Wills_New_War's picture

Thank you Lady A. Your kind

Thank you Lady A. Your kind words mean much to me, I will reread them from time to time when I need them the most.

Long days and pleasant nights
