It’s just so ridiculous
This endless chase.
The Sun, The Moon,
Me and you all
Spinning, I’m unsure
Who is winning.
It’s almost enough
To make me hopeful,
Because it really is
A beautiful view each
Twilight when somehow
The Sky always captures
My mood, but maybe
It’s making me insane.
Lost and desperate
For anyone to embrace.
I can only hug myself
So tight, never just right
To put me to sleep.
It’s left me believing
That loneliness is as
Much of me as anything
Else. I will whine and pine
But I’m going to die this way.
Autobiographical Write?
Or portrait #1,428 of how men view the chances of successfully finding Ms correctness? A bit of both, maybe, but I doubt YOU will die lonely writing verses like this.
Fight Fight Fight
Fight Fight Fight
You sure will if you dont
You sure will if you dont reach out a million tiimes with out giving up! Youll find someone who will give you the courage to stand up as you are. Be resillent hard working but patient. You my dear friend can achieve anything with the right mind set and a little secret courage; ) good write hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."