It's like there's this pit
And you're compelled to look
At it you must see the bottom
So you get closer and closer
And you're peering down into
It's vast darkness and you
Know there isn't anything good
Waiting for you there but you're
Bound to see the bottom so
Whether by accident, a force
Beyond your control, or even
by your own will you fall
Into this pit and it's scary,
Cold, and horrors you couldn't
Even imagine, but you get
Use to it, you adapt and
Soon enough you're sure this
Is where you belong that
This state of constant sorrow,
Self hate, self disgust, and
Emptiness is what you deserve
Everything loses meaning and
The thoughts of hurting yourself
Creep in, take hold and you
Begin to get angry at yourself
For not just ending it but you
Force yourself to look up at
The entrance of the pit and
Try to believe it could be
Your exit too, so you hold off
Despair As A Motif
Too many people live there who see no out, at least there is hope in this person. Ignoring loss and grief, I count each blessing one, two, eight, sixty-nine as a way to defeat the dark. Misery does not want company, it is most successful alone. ~allets~