Never thought I'd ask for help
On what I've always consider
My strongest attribute, but
Here I am talking to you.
The movies and TV shows told
Me this would be a chess
Match of words, but they
Were wrong. This is an open
Mic with an audience of one.
It's an odd feeling, it's like
Locking yourself in a room with
Your demons as someone nods
Along to your torment.
I thought these things were
Suppose to make you feel
Better, to say it out loud and
Cry away the poison, but leaving
Here tonight I feel worse,
It's what I get looking
Into this pit that is myself.
It gets worse before it gets
It gets worse before it gets better we start to realise what we might lose, but try to concentrate also on what you will gain. Hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Interesting write Mr Gem
"audience of one"
nice write - exceptional plus introverted equals exceptiverted. I would not want to have anyone walking around in this head. It would do harm to them, the telling. Now I am going to check out the pit. See what you did! Good for you. Help is one of those four letter words ain't it? :D fine write - slc