I refuse to commit this to memory
I will not look back
you have left me here
bloodied and broken
not knowing, why you did it
why id i try to mask my consent
I know, by now,
I'm a nobody- my name's long gone
escaping the realms of your
memory, forever forgotten
tonight you chose to leave me
a mess
and i feel sorry for us
we were so reckless
not caring who we hurt (each other)
We'll all blame it on hypomanic hormones
but i know i wanted it until
i didn't (the last minute)
I know there is no haven of safety
for me, form me
i am stilll holding out on you
lying my ass off to be kept here
i wish you'd stayed
i wish i didn't bother you
my resentment of myself
stopping me, last minute,
from all i really want,
so afraid of this change: death
you just don't get it
i just want to tell you
i hate you but i can't
i'm weak, can't be happy
why? why? why? why? WHY?
this is my secret habit
a bad habit of giving out
dying, killing myself,
i drain you, you're drowning, i know
i am comfortably crazy
and full of shame
for this year of lies
can't you decide for me?
lie for me?
help me keep it up
and how many times have you told me to "try and stop...
for me?"
and you avoid looking at
why I wear sweaters in
115 degree heat of California summers
and all that i wanted from you
was just for you to lie to me
it makes more sense than
what really happened, right?
Lying to save yourself.. the skin
yoiu live in and let it mold and rot off you..
it explains a lot, right?
hey, is it new?
(do you have it yet? have you got it?)
is it some stupid lie i create
for you to believe and throw you
far off how bad i
really am?
yeah, probably.
this is me talking.
(captain to commander.. you are the
o captain my captain to my mr. machuu)
please help me
escape the summer hatred
and pain and torture because
despite this all
my self inflicted rage
i am still the caged beast so
hide your eyes
and never bother at all.
cos really..
we're all empty
like me.
this summer was great... don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Your mind is beautiful and that's why I continue to find ways to sekk you out from Hell lol =)
Seth G