I can't face him. I can't look him in the eyes..
Because I know that if I do, I'll see our past there.
And then I'll start to cry
I ruined it all, by breaking his heart.
I ruined our perfect world.
Our world together, beyond this one
Our world together, no one could break it-
Except me.
And I did. I didn't mean to, but I did.
So many times..But he never fully healed
Until now,
And so I can't face him.
Can't look at him now.
I can't face him- I can't do this!
I can't see him, standing there
I can't look him in the eyes, and I can't pretend he's not there
Because I can't take my eyes off him, but I can't let him see-
Can't let him see the effects our breakup had on me.
Understandable.. I miss my ex boyfriend every single day and it hurts SO much to look at him.. because as you say.. I see our past in his eyes, and I try to act like i'm not looking at him because I don't want it to show that i'm like.. scarred forever from that one relationship. Nicely worded.. someone understands me.. that's good. Please check out my poems sometime.. I have alot similar to that.