Me...3am...And my Band of Horse's

So it’s 3 am, and once again…the pain has me reaching

First, I load….the song

I’ll  choose some Band  of Horse’s

Orange Crush and  Morphine

Dear Lord…not sure which pain’s the worse

Ahhhh, soothing…the lyric mix’s with memory….and the emotion’s pour

~~~This temporary space I’m in has me thinking about the world spinning around to an old sad song~~~

Looking back now, ~~~And Darlin’ I don’t ever want to come back home~~~

And as I found some solace, in dancing here with these shadows of you and I….our Love

Wonder to myself….was it only felt by me?

 I sung to you…Swore you were singing back to me……..

This  temporary place I’m in~~~I promised, I permenently ….won’t do this again~~~

And now, they come down like I never even seen before,….pain is lonely…wonderin’ only what you did today

I fell into some kind of sorry state

But looking back now, I think it’s finally time for me to laugh about it

And get my shit together, and find something to say

Well I feel awful….and I believe

That time gets wasted, In this misery

And darling, I never wanna come back home~~~


So honey, I’m only going to be here for a little while , and now …we wait.. to show…every occasion,


 I’m Ready….for …The Funeral

Author's Notes/Comments: 

So this is just some random thoughts from listening to this song

by Band of Horses'.....I've used a lot of the lyric from this song, and I've tried to note it using the ~~~ indicating so.

Going through a lot of pain, physical and emotionally....this seemed to help me...

I take no credit for BOH's lyric....but give them thanks for their wonderful inspiring music.

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This probably won't make any

This probably won't make any sense to anyone but me.....