NyNy Levy

My Portfolio
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Port St. Lucie, FL, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

swimming (not acutally on a team),dancing,singing,acting,reading, watching t.v., and learning about fun new and interesting things.

My name is a secret why did i put this info online when i was 18 i'll have no clue (30 year old me knows better). (i cannot spell so dont laugh or correct my spelling........yay me!!) I was born in Fort Pierce FL. Raised on 3102 Ave. L(projects) I knew that some how I wasnt the same as most of the other girls in my neighborhood. I liked lets just say "different" things then they did. When most of the girls were obessing over boys and hair i just wanted to go outside and play football. When i wasnt out side i was inside watching television. My t.v. was always on nick but when nick got stupid and lost shows like are you afraid of the dark,legends of the hidden temple, clarissa explains it all etc... i slowly but surely switched the station to foxfamily where i watched Sclub7, big wolf on campus, totaly spys, and braceface. (oh yeah before any of these was powerangers)i went to mariposa elementry school 1-5 southport middle school 6-7 southern oaks 8 westwood high 9 verobeach high(freshman learning center)9 and finally fort pierce central high 9-recently. I am currently in the 11th grade and on B-honorroll although i hope to get my grades higher. By the way i wrote earlier that i wasnt into what the other girls were into and that i was "different" well thats because im eclectic. I love music all types not just r&b and rap like everyone suspects in fact one of my favorate bands right now is the click five they rock so much. i like all music from twista to keath earving. From matalica to madona and yes from christina agurlia(common you try to spell her last name lol) to bhetoven (dont laugh at my grammer mistakes)i would never discriminate against any one. I like music of all genre (some thug,punk rock, reggie,haspinc).Well i guess this is my life so far aside from watching t.v. (degrassi and will & grace are in tie for lead - best shows in the world)i basicaly just chill and try my harddest to receive a 4.0 (straight A's for those of you who run on a different grading scale)so if you want to reach me i thinke i've provided enough info im pretty atinable so peace, love,and joy

My bestest friend in the world is Devan Wilson and my bestest Job Corps friend is Shauntese Hudson and they are both cool and they will beat ur booty if u make me sad!!!!!! yay!

(this was written like mega long ago i have recently graduated c/o 2007 and am now in G.A attending job corps) so enjoy me and my work

About My Navel

It is kind of pushed in it is kool i guess i hope to get a belly ring soon

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

You know what they say shoe size ''BRAIN'' size


Member for
17 years 14 weeks