I'm Bound by the chains of this world
I'm not a free person
I follow all the trends
Starbucks is my savior
I don't know which is wrose me or them
I am a prep to the 100 degree
No one sees the real me
I'm in here somewhere
Somewhere behind the mess of a person I've become
Somewhere where no one not even I can see
Where is me?
Am I the person who is staring me back in the mirror
Or the person that I've dreamt about all these years?
I've tried so hard to heal, but I still have open wounds
Visuable to only me, ones no one knows about
It's me I'm trying to heal, not you
So why do I keep ignoring my problems
And keep trying to solve yours
I've never been free to me
I'm bound to these chains
Chains of heartbreak and strife
So where did I go?
I'm trying to find the me in world
But I can't find it
I guess I will keep searching
My thoughts
My Prayers
and my self to find him again
Till then I'm bound to the world of strife