Santiago Valerio

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Houston, Texas, Harris County, United States of America

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Writing, Listening to Music, and Watching Movies

I'm Denver, yes like the city! It's my alias. For right now all I want to know about me is that I'm gay.
My myspace is last name is Valerio. Anywhore, I'm a fun loving person, who just likes to have fun and I hate the drama that my ex-friends caused not to long ago! There is always more to me than what meets the eye! I am very much a Christian and I love Jesus with all my heart. Yes some poems I do cuss at God, but those were written when I was in a very bad place, or when I was sturggling to get close to Him. Most lately are being written about my money hungry aunnt, who is a millionaire, but hey I write about whatever inspires me and sometimes I'll right about how much I hate something and then later I might say I love it, things change and that's how everyone is. I do smoke cigs, mainly menthol smooth by Marlboro, and I do drink every now and then, but I'm 19 fucking years old. I have issues with my Mom and Dad, and when I think about it they have changed since I was in High School (I graduted in 2006) and thats all that counts right? I enjoy the movies and Men! I love my gay lifestyle because it's so much fun. I do plan on settling down with the girl God has for me one day, but for right now I'm loving men and men only. My music is a mix of shit I have christian, Rock, Rap, Hardcore Rock, Heavy Metal, Pop, Mid-90's (spice girls type stuff), and country. I'm from Houston and I enjoy my home state of Texas, don't mess with it! That's all for now


Member for
17 years 20 weeks