Good Luck, Bitch

Walking on me

Turn on me

Bitch I dare you

Fuck everything

Everything you love

You rapped me

You disregarded everything I held dear

My dignity

My innocence

Fuck you

I'm taking my power back

I let you ruin me

Not anymore

I'm ready to fight again

I let you bring me down

For 4 years 

I lived in fear

Not anymore

Fuck You

Fuck You

Fuck You

Fuck You


Fuck YOu

Fuck You

Fuck YOu

I'm no longer a victim

I'm a survior

of what you did

Of every little bit of pain you caused

Those Scars, there mine

I made them

When I trusted you

When I wanted you

You ruined me

I hated you for so long

NO more

I don't need this pain anymore

I need to trust again

I need to feel alive again

I've hide for so long in fear of you finding me

I dare you to find me now

Justin Ray Smith

I fucking dare you

I want you to in fact

I want you to find me so I can finally destroy you

In fact

I'll go to you

I'll hunt you down

You won't be able to live in peace

I'll destory you

Revenge will be mine

What don't you get

I can't wait to see you

I savor the taste of your blood

The blood of MY victim

I am not that guy anymore

I'm mean

I'm evil

Don't you see I'm not that innocent anymore

Thanks To You

Thanks to you I will never be the same

I hate you


I don't hate you

I love you


Because you give me a reason for revenge

Revenge will be mine

I'm dark

I'm twisted

Your fucked

I will bring down your house of cards

Only two people know what happened



Nobody else

So stop lying and own up to it

Your threaten Caleb

You fucked up boy

My turn

Good Luck

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