she lays in the street
bloody oil forms her wings
lips parted in a slient scream
broken eylashes on her cheek
she's no beauty, she's not prestine
but ever lovely she is to me
her once pulsing heart is now shown
to be ripped out and held by many unknown
but was i ever to hold the thing that she held dear
i would shed a tear
before the sirens
before they come
I thrust my arms into her bones
I tug the very thing that made her whole
heavy heart in hand, a quick kiss, and i stand to stare as the bystanders gather
they look at me blood pooled by my feet
a step back, and then two more and then im sitting in the dark cross legged on the floor
holding it
touching it'
turning it round and round
the texture so inviting
i clasp my hands around it and just before i squeeze, a sharp pain shoots through me
a stand still memory taking up everything
then the sound, that angel ring
bounces through the darkness
screaming loosely
the tears flow down my face as her heart starts to race
nd the poem she sings seems to eminate from every vein. singing and calling my name " avery sing with me so happy we are to be free, to love and live and feel and cry avery when we leave will you stay with me? through everything my avery"?
it falls to the floor with a heavy thud as my eyes poor into my hands
it all floods back to me
'everything i've seen'
pale white skin twisted in ways it shouldnt have been
small drips of red allong her seams 'flowing in dark thick streams
her bright dead eyse staring through things that noone else can see.