Help me to let go of what will never be
I know you want the best for me
But somedays I am still left wondering
Help me to let go of my past
Help me to let go of what will never last
Help me let go, of what will never be
Help me to pursue, chase all my dreams
I'm such a mess, yet so blessed
I'm so broken apart, yet special
You made me who I am
And I'm still wondering
What am I doing wrong
Cuz these days I just don't understand
I just can't let go of what will never be
I need to let go of exagerated dreams
Am I being too picky, I just need to know
Because today I'm feeling empty left in the cold
Help me to let go of these hurts deep inside
Because I don't want them to determine my life
Let me win, give me strength to see you in every aspect of my life
Because I just want to let go, of what doesn't matter in your eyes
Help me to be strong, give me friends so I can hold on
But help me let go, I need to swallow my pride
I'm beginning to get tired of this life
Help me to let go, nothing matters anymore
Because these tears are weighing me down
I can't do this any longer
Help me to cry out, so I can drain the pain
Then provide me with the strength
To move on in my life
great write, you definately have a way with words