To My Younger Family


I cannot allow 

my younger family

the ones without arms to bear

in this battle

to watch me bleed

so profusely

while they don bases of

such sterile feet


So I pursue the precision

and consistency of an honest timepiece

because your belief in me

is paramount regarding anything I offer

towards imparting a shared, learned street

and I begin by stating


Be wary

of only believing in victorious mouths

cuz the vaunted stories

that compose various textbooks


voluminous scriptures of yesteryear

often vary 


Often vailed by the volume of cheap loudmouths

Venerable paths often will only present themselves

in daily life

with clear vision through an empathetic scope


Gratefully so

because we can decode truth for today

and beings like me

can transition from consumers of knowledge

into tempered basins of wisdom

from diligent artists

into the colors themselves


I offer this array

because I've endured every black twilight

every whiteout

and all the shades of red between

and I know

our colors shine the brightest

when active


So take advantage!

Use this palette to become a Viking

or a Casanova

or inevitably, undeniably

beautifully, purely




Even if my porous canopy

may leak, or creak, or aptly groan

know my active gray will remain

under a warmly-cloaked shadow

and if you'll have me

I'll be with you until you go it alone 

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saiom's picture

you made me think of the following


There was a shrink in our town who convinced a friend of mine when he was 21 that he would always be mentally ill. The shrink was getting kickbacks

from the drug co. whose toxic product he prescribed. My friend was later healed despite the damage the corrupt doctor did to him.