

Funny thing about self-perception...

How often we stare within during free time

and define ourselves by the very factors in which we're deficient


If we're lonely, how we obsess over finding companionship

If we're ashamed, how we clamor for loyal acceptance

If we're conflicted, how we yearn for stark clarity

and so on...


There's no resolution in agony

and there's no hope in this tragic loop

of constant mental beratement


..and if I've learned any two things on this planet, they are...

1) change is inevitable

2) your perception defines the avenues of your journey


Find the swagger you possessed when you were young (and didn't know any better)

and apply it to the scars, baggage, and doubt that life inevitably shits in your direction over time

to generate something greater than the sum of its parts...

a bond of spirit and wisdom so powerful

no obstacle could withstand its fury and precision


I can guarantee

wielding an iron will

forged in a confident, driven self

will inevitably lead to a greater awareness of your strengths in key moments, rather than your deficiencies

and soon fulfillment, wonder, and beauty can enter

unlocking so much of the potential this world truly has to offer you

through you

for yourself first...


then for others within the radiance of your hope

and love

and effort

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That Is A Good Philosophy For Seeing The World

Maybe I'll try that. This thing that needs be said and taught and remembered was well writ.  :) slc