
In these aged days
I don't fear rejection the same way anymore...

I embrace my love
but I fear relying too much upon others
and their wounds that sear the deepest
I fear their actions, and the vulnerability that only love can invoke
I fear unhinged passion in solitude
I fear manipulation from wiser hands than mine

I embrace my energy and my determination
but I fear losing creativity
and forgetting the tools keeping the workable clay in my capable hands
I fear the unspoken, yet tangible
I fear the unknown, yet so glaringly logical
I fear over-analysis in a stagnant world

I embrace tomorrow
but I fear goodbye
and at times
I fear hello exponentially more.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

edits 12.16.17

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allets's picture

Enjoyed Reading This Poem Mightily

The poet in the world - captured well. The human existing - that too :D



deepblue's picture

thank you as always :)

thank you as always :)

Sassylass's picture


It's been a long time,but I see you are still thinking deep

and writing with bold honesty!

I'd not fear much, really, but losing the " tools to write" 

Ohhh nooooo not that!

You expressed yourself richly and openly. Bravo!



( Yeah I dared to return...lol)

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



deepblue's picture

haha welcome back! glad to

haha welcome back! glad to see you have returned, appreciate the feedback :) this one needs some editing/cleaning up/etc. but it's a start, thanks again