Trying Again

We're all children, as fathers, sisters, friends, neighbors, as human beings...of trying again. Of trying again despite our scarred hearts, despite our scarred bodies, despite our scarred minds...trying again with the knowledge we've acquired, with the wisdom we've cultivated from that knowledge, and with the healthy logic we can ascertain from our wisdom. Remember there is no time limit for when you feel ready to open up, or start again...that is *your* decision, on *your* time.

That said, there *is* a time limit on how much life you can claim on this blue marble...and obviously the people around you want it to be as immediate as you're capable, and rightfully so. .remember, no matter how much you hurt, try not to push people away that are willing to benefit your life.

Despite some of my scathing efforts over the years, I genuinely thank the people who remind me that love is not something I have lost the capacity to feel, or have lost the passion to embrace. I hope those of you who are also hurting can visualize the same worth in yourselves, and the same love for those you identify as part of a solution, rather than part of an aggravation.

Thank you for your time.

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allets's picture

Time Well Spent

on the blue marble - Just this morning I was hardening my heart against emotions, but they must out to make room for love. It's a process. 



deepblue's picture

certainly is, but worthwhile

certainly is, but worthwhile when you're open and able to let somebody else in