

The anti-heroes are the beta-humans
The Marcie's alongside Peppermint Patty's
deemed as flawed
too reserved
unfit to lead
to excel
to exceed expectations
in their eyes  ...they Settle, always they Settle


So often the unfortunate case
these woebegone anti-heroes of yesteryear
their spirit, sense of livelihood
many misplace in adulthood


Alpha smothers the smoldering flames
with a judgmental, illogically unwavering ash


What they don't realize
Is a true leader is only as capable
as the grime under their fingernails
and the milk taken from their lunch pail


...the vitamin deficiencies
make a hungrier man out of me

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Woiuld It Be Safe To Say

Is usa government leadership full of beta anti-heroes? Vitamin deficient: add to the portrait of Western culture. - slc