You cannot put a price on life
The notion of suicide should not be comprehensible...
Sure life has its downs;
I have to finish that rewrite
She still didnt want to go out...
...and now ill only have 3 hours of sleep tonight
Even our mere complaints have no bearing on how corrupt our world seems...
Despite that fact, the answer is NOT in a barrel or a pill
and as a living being I respect this gift that we receive, in everything that we ALL do...EVERYDAY
You cannot put a price on life
and it shows in our eyes, and in the way that we look at ourselves
Many do not see themselves as others perceive them;
For better or worse, we do not accomplish much with prejudice
There is no use for mockery or ridicule, it only removes hope
...which someone only needs because another mocked you and stole yours
You cannot put a price on not ever forget that
but since history repeats itself...nevermind.
It sure is easier said than done, right?
Thoughts of self doubt linger...Who is coming with me if, God forbid, i maintain my own opinion?
Well let me say this in turn, and i don't care if you do not agree, because you, therefore, are naive
Never forget this...your voice, your word, and your life mean something to more people than you could ever imagine.
and i am sorry for not being there for those who needed to hear this most
Whether it is from selfish guilt or a morally clean slate, or maybe even a blind sense of compassion...I truly am sorry.
the world is not perfect and it shall never be
I struggle as much as the next person
and we all face adversities in life
Simply put, if life were easy would be boring
Life is the true essence of existing, of experiencing the worst aspects of life in order to enhance the best aspects and thus...I know that you cannot put a price on life because those moments are priceless
let those moments become your currency
and drink in the wealth around you
because when it's gone, it's often gone in an instant
So Wise
...and so hopeful. You keep hitting the hurt parts of my aorta - and I flinch and say, you are right in your opinion. I'll follow you anywhere, anyhour DB ~Lady A~