It isn't fair
Nobody deserves this
It's no joke
It's something you never truly understand unless experienced
To live a life of honor, respect, to breed courage and inspiration in others
Cherish your life; elevate the ones who you value the most
Truly appreciate them, appreciate yourself
Forget the shortcomings; every leader in existence has dealt with shortcomings
Forget the what ifs and don't acknowledge choices...only decisions
Forget your past - your miscues; experience the present with all the spirit and vigor that can be conjured
Enjoy every ounce of living to the greatest possible extent
Remember your limitations but disregard anyone who feels the need to ridicule them
Find out who you are; take the time and do the research
Find the loves in your life...find your hobbies, your passions, your commitments
Treat them as your most cherished possessions
Spend every measure, pursue every wish
Only then will you find self worthiness
Self accomplishment...pure self happiness
Optimism Is A Family Heirloom
She must have been something :D ~a~
She truly was, I have a lot
She truly was, I have a lot of great memories with her and my family. Hard to believe it has been 5 years already