

I will always enjoy being kind to you

no matter the outcome 

donning a warrior's code

alignment raises our sum 


Yet to offer a whole heart

is now irresponsible to myself

so I'm just gonna jettison off this busted shelf

lie down here, bleed a while

coagulate myself,

and regain

retain a fettered health 


because showing love isn't always a matter of rejection or acceptance 

It's honesty. 

and your loving heart must inextricably bestow

that sometimes rejection bears the passive

albeit very jagged


of the courage to say no

rather than oui,

even if my heart goes weak

and its pulse slows 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Emo deepblue rectified (and certainly rekt) 

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SSmoothie's picture

Almost there... such great

Almost there... such great imagery and metaphor the structure begs for eleoqunce but, it gets caught on emotionalism and luckily it wins out. Something reL special here .

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

deepblue's picture

You're too kind smoothie,

You're too kind smoothie, thank you! 


Think it still might need a bit more refining but I'm very happy with these bones, thanks for checking in!