The Gift of Love


The gift of love upon you is the only elixir powerful enough to dismantle every fear

every doubt

every deficiency

caging the precious materials within

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KindredSpirit's picture

Good sentiments

All the way around .


Why must we suffer /

In the marketplace ?

All the questions that grow

In our fertile minds.


sweetwater's picture

You are quite right, now I

You are quite right, now I have lost my parents, my daughters are married with children and I have no partner I realise how low on the love scale I have become, its very lonely, and hurts deeply to know I shall never be loved more than anything else ever again. For so many years we are the most important thing to someone, and fail to appreciate it at the time. Of course for those with lifelong loving partners it will remain.

deepblue's picture

I wish I could find the words

I wish I could find the words to express to you the amount of encouragement and warmth you felt at a younger time in your life.  I tend to believe from the time we're adolescents until the end there's a constant evolution of what love means, how love feels, and who's around us that's considered 'the most important thing,' as you put it.  You mentioned your daughters have children...I know women (my mother included) who are fortunate enough to generate an immense amount of spirit and happiness in simply being available (even by phone from a long distance, if need be) to not only watch the grandchildren grow, but also watch their own children cope/revel in the joys/pains of parenthood.  Everybody's situation is different, of course, but even being a member of this community can assist to find a certain level of satisfaction of self.  In my case, I've stayed single for over 6 years now (with no real end in sight, honestly)...I am fortunate enough to seek the counsel of my parents, and the knowledge of my older, married sister, but I completely understand the loneliness that comes from lacking a partner.  My best advice is to find other channels to find gratitude and satisfaction in it a hobby, a good friend, a personal goal to set for yourself, anything to keep your mind in a constructive place.  It's not easy... I wish you the very best. Take care and thank you for the heartfelt feedback