Nothing More, Nothing Less


No more anger

No more hostility

No more challenges

Only decisiveness reigns

Wishing only the best

as the remnants crackle away


All overdue now

Once existed a day I wouldn't know how


Admittedly, I still struggle to express

such emotions of duress

without pointing a finger


Objectivity desired

Maturity admired


Becoming the man who shall no longer be named

the man not trusted or treasured

in a world where once the forces were unyielding

today remains fortuitous for even an accidental leak of something trustworthy


So rather than grasp at a false notion of a shared unity

I pack plethoras of our data up from my cortex

embarking on unenvied waste management

saving what I hold dearest

then dumping the remaining loose baggage on a vacant freeway

blocking the path to nowhere between us

covering an unspoken void wholly, yet improperly sealed

leaving the mistakes we made, and the corrosion of time and heartbreak

to rust like an abandoned beater

leaving the whimpering carcass devoid of relevance for years

to collapse within itself in a neglected junkyard


Today, the cerebrum I save for you

is nothing more,

nothing less

than a tidy space with vacuum-sealed memories

labelled and alphabetized



barrels of a metamorphic substance

untampered for years

the role played today

at best muted, or muttered 


I tend to steer clear of this demon water

for the betterment of my mental health 

but the weather makes the musty panels


and sometimes the dusty barrels



and I think intimately of you

a nectar one day

and a poison the other

a vibrant spectrum

of phenomenally-wasted potential


Author's Notes/Comments: 

7.16.15 and 11.11.16

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KindredSpirit's picture

I don't know how much

Of this poem you changed

But it speaks better to me today

Then the other day.

Second glance ?

But a great write and a real read

This time around.

Love it.


deepblue's picture

I'm always trying to reread

I'm always trying to reread over what I post, usually for the sake of improving the flow of the piece...maybe I'll throw an extra space in for effect, or switch out a word or two... I remember making some edits like that the last time I went over this one, thanks for giving it a second look :)

SSmoothie's picture

yeah. i read every word. i

yeah. i read every word. i digested it. it didnt go down easy. but it was very filling. the uncomfortable kind! good write!  

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

deepblue's picture

Thank you, I don't disagree,

Thank you, I don't disagree, heh... love means a lot of different things to different people, and based on how the cards have been played...the way things turned out was for the greater good of the whole.  I think the world of her, I truly cherish the great memories we shared, but I dunno.. we became toxic around one another near the end and it really didn't help either of us to hang on.  We weren't the best versions of each other, and that stings to even think about today.  You need to be able to think clearly and speak honestly in these uncomfortable conversations...I struggled then, and it's so damn difficult even today.  Unfortunately, it only seems to get easier with time (and experience, blah)


I wish we could have gone down a different path, before our trust was damaged, and I wish I wouldn't need to be so damning and critical of the situation - but that's simply where I see this. She's with somebody who treats her well, and there's some solace in that. Thanks again for reading :)

deepblue's picture

...when you really start to

...when you really start to break it down, the fact I experienced something as strong, vivid, and fantastic as the good times we shared.. I mean, a lot of people search their entire lives simply for the smallest taste of something like that.  Some never find that, and I had (in my early Twenties, no less) 


So sure, the pain is palpable, and the damage is real... but it taught me a lot about love, too..and some of the valuable lessons about functioning day-to-day in a relationship.  It also taught me about valuating self-worth (rather than thru the validation of others), taught me that I have a strong support group behind me, etc.  So I'm eternally grateful, and I'll take what I've learned and I'll apply it moving forward. 

allets's picture

"...Within my discontent..."

This is a tale to ponder, seeking matching similarities, common soil ~ rich textured, open. There is a lot here ~Lady A~



deepblue's picture

there certainly was... but i

there certainly was... but i mean people have the right to move on, it's not fair to leave somebody bogged down when all they want to do is look for the best person to find happiness.  Most of the time, I make the same effort...but the past just gets the best of me at times and I need to get it out of my brain one way or another.  Thanks for your kind words allets

allets's picture

I Call That A Purge Poem

Just re-read more intensely - still rich and full and dense, the road imagery is poignant with commonality of experience. You move on and carry the past in a zipped pocket until the next need to take it out. Love this one enormously - yrpoembud - Stella



deepblue's picture

thanks much as always :) a

thanks much as always :) a purge poem...I like that, probably sums up a lot of what I like to write, works for me!