

Don't know how often this occurs for the greater public

but I often forget conversations,



eventsin general

but my soul ignites to song


Certain artists, certain tunes

whether by happenstance or by an offering

generate a rhythmic kinship of sorts

unbrokenby our proceeding events


Matchbox Twenty? first concert with my ma and sister

The Wallflowers? blaring in my 13 year old ears in the backseat

'Hollaback Girl' nearly single-handedly led to my first breakup

Sevendustlanded me into my first (and only) mosh pit

Cheap Trick? ...hah, nah I can't discuss that gem


Want to make a pathway into this labyrinth?

Hand me an album


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Ignition By Music

"...pass me an album..." vinyl or CD or tape or live - concerts make memories and the mood can be revisited at recontact. Yes, the function of music as art - the defintion of enjoyment too. Enjoyed this one muchly as I walk inside the albums on the shelves ~allets~
