F.Y.P.M. 3-28-06


I'm in danger
What the fuck happened
I don't know but I cant stand it
We were perfect falling even more in love
Now we are falling apart
What the fuck
Happened between
You and I
Our relationship suddenly died
We were
More in love
Then ever before
But you apparently
Had your own little intentions
I don't see how this could be
What the fuck were you thinking
Turning on me
Nine years down the drain
All this planning
Time wasted
I gave you my heart and you
Destroyed it
Crushed it
Smashed me
Shattered me into pieces
Into pieces of nothing
Memories that will never
To exist
This is all just a pain a nightmare
Of horror
What am I left to do
Cry for you
Cry for me
Or is it better to bleed
To bleed
To bleed
To bleed
To bleed to death
To death do us part
Your swore it all
And all is gone
Your promised forever
Now you deny it
What the fuck were you thinking
You said you knew the pain
So why did you cast it out
On another
You did this before and got another chance
So why the fuck are you
Rolling the dice again
This is fucking bull shit
I am sick of all of it
I want nothing left to do
It seems you
Don't seem to learn from
All of your mistakes
Again and again
You roll the dice
Never again to think twice
Now we are lost and
Never coming back
We will never have what we had
You shattered us again
What the fuck am I to do
I believed I was nothing without you
Turning back to my old self
Is this good or is this hell
To pay for everyone
Well we'll see as time goe's by
I hate this fucking game
Why can't you just learn

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Old poem deleted previous comments due to them being me being a jerk and the other person as well as we just fought for no reason.

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