Good Luck

i was just sitting, on a bench in the park.

An old lady passed by and asked me for help.

i shrugged my shoulders and as i stood up,

She pulled out a gun, damn my good luck.

i pulled out my cash and handed it over,

"Thanks for your help." It was only ten bucks.

i sat back down, the irony never crossed my mind.

Just then a blonde girl came walking by,

She asked for my number and i gladly replied.

"i don't have a pen or i would write it down."

"That's not a problem I have one right here."

Yet another gun came out of the jacket

"i don't have anything, i've already been mugged."

A loud bang then a sharp pain ran down my legs.

A warm red liquid started to stain.

She ran off, i sat on the bench.

Hoping the next person wasn't a bitch.

A peramedic walked by looking down at me.

"I would gladly help" he said with a smirk.

"If you'll give me, ohh, say ten bucks."

i started to smile, and said "Damn my good luck"

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Sarah Forbess's picture

that was really good almost compairable to whitmans work
you write really well, i read quite a few of your peices its good that you can keep it interesting..each one is so different

Lindsey F's picture

nicely done, i read it twice. "bang bang, your dead."