I am in love with death.
How the word fits on my tongue like it was always ment to be there.
How the thoughts sends chills down my spine, as if it was a kiss on my neck.
I love it, I idolize it, I breath it.
I am so infatuated with the idea that I long for it night until day, and day until night.
The more I try to fight it, the more it rushes in like a tornado in the night.
Like an unwanted guest that begs me to give in, that no is not enough
I scream, I cry not wanting to die.
The more I fight, the more it entangles me deeper into it's web full of lies that I find comfort within.
I am in love with death, even with it's fucking hands tied around my throat.
A beautifully horrific feeling to have.
I can't stop wanting it, longing for it, living only for it.
Yet I hate every second of it.