Fading Away

Lost in his madness the Dragon cries

Trying to find solace from the lies

His peers tell him he is cared for

Yet all they convey are words, nothing more

All he wants is a companion, a friend

Someone who might help the wounds to mend

No one wants a damn thing to do with him

They all tell him to sink and not swim

They cannot comprehend what they mean to him

Without their existance his future looks grim

Hope is fleeting, all he sees is red

Blood pours, soon he will be dead

As he drifts off into another plane

And he reflects on what was his bane

He utters these words, hoping someone might care

"Just because it is not sensed does not mean it is not there"

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Candice Smith's picture

I have to say that, a poem that gives me goosebumps is definetly a well written and detailed poem. I like your writing. Keep at it, you're really good.

~Gentle Breezes~