Autumnal Equinox LVI

Seasons In Hell

Season Belial emerges from the shadows, cloven hooves quaking the earth up from The Pit. 

For Lo, have we descended into The Abyss, passing through the unholy black fire, empowered even still.

The solace of the Night, by Lucifer's hellantern resplendent in the darkness of the mind. Regeneration timelessness.

'Neath Hecate's soothing embrace, the harvest moon shines bright, revealing the path to autumnal delights.

The Devil's Mirror reflects the face of Satan, the masks of pleasure and terror! Rejoice! The Beast has arisen! ∞

In Nomine Satanas,

Rev. Warlock Draconis Blackthorne

Autumnal Equinox, LVI Anno Satanas

Haunted Noctuary, Draconian Empire

* Rite: Hellemental Mass

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hail Satan!

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Lucifer's Kundalini

Reading your poetry sends shivers down my spine.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not