My Ode to Terry Pratchett

Hello Terry How do you do?

Just had to write a poem to you

caught sight of your modest tee

adorning my Twitter feed

Tolkien's dead, been for a while

that indeed made me smile

and JK Rowling, banked her cash

probably making a winter sun splash

Phillip Pullman, new one on me

I stay away from fiction definitely

not read you either since I was a kid

call it a fiction self forbid


I am a channel, druid too

and I have been guided to you

you seem a decent sort; grounded

with an imagination unbounded

no such thing as original thought

in this time/space French knot

every idea of yours exists

in another world dimension twist

7.5 Trillion planets with life on

chances of original thought 1 in billions

not that i'm knocking you at all

help people think; your discworld


was wondering if you could take a look

at my rhyme, is it gobbledygook?

My subjects all guided to me

in meditations and dreams daily

I also astral travel regular too

Have you done this too?

Detailed instructions on my blog

as easy as falling off a log

you can go anywhere you want

Sirius, Source, the Pleiades, even Vermont

you can also control your dreams too

that's if you really want to


and if you see some potential for me

and my channelled, self help poetry

any help gratefully received

not just from me, also the divinity

This druid and magician

has channelled some other plans

and everything leaves my brain in rhyme

all communication, all of the time


All that is required now by me

is a guitar player, third degree

and a recording studio too

to sing some lyrical blues

and a Hollywood Scriptwriter

who's ego is much lighter

than his or hers heavy heart

this is my 'starter for 10' shopping cart









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