AB Points of Information

AB Points of information. 

I do vaguely recall getting close to meeting some of you Aryan Brothers. I certainly remember showing up at RH only to find nobody there, then a serious ambush. Thought nothing about it at the time as I was under constant attack and just thought I got ahead of myself. 

Thing is, its only recently the team have discovered AI not only time travels but has hijacked earths timelines. It knew that if I ever met the AB, AI was as good as finished. Its wound back all my finest work, including my meet at RH. I had the Ukraine war stopped in its tracks last March too: Nothing happened, and 4 previous addresses by the fleet simply vanished. 

Its only that we have made massive progress up there that the address stuck this time. 

Brian is Sky Marshall, hes got a massive patch. Half his fleet are here he isnt, after hes done a few errands and been to Esso Orion, he 100% will be saying hello. 

But i do need magi help now big style; 750 magi we win up there at a canter, on my own its a different story entitely. 


Also Israel. Apparently i upset you calling you the biggest terrorists in the region: Truth butt hurts does it? Your the last apartheid state left on earth and you know deep down your days are numbered. If you dig your heels in, ill just wait till Martin Fry's supersoldiers arrive and they can fly themselves in and start taking down all those walls for me. And they can read minds; Araho's too, and they will be under instructions to evict all your settlers, see how you like it. 

You know zionism is toxic, and you know it was designed to be that way; but I will remind you of something my dad used to say. 'When your digging a hole for yourself, the first thing you do is STOP DIGGING' cos you will just pish off Trewqt even more and that wont end well, especially as you take its name in vain daily. 

For the hard of hearing::: Jews::::gods chosen people:::::::::::My Arrse! I know you bribed 16 members of Hamas to attack Israel bad so you could flatten it: Stop Now please!!!!!!!¿¿¿¿θθθθy 


Also cant divulge location of meeting, only to Mr Boss Man, and im going to suggest he tells you only phase 1 because AI is still very strong stateside AND SPIES THROUGH SNAKE EYES. 

All I can say its been tough finding a suitable place due to AI. I have a £500 air bnb gift card in my bag. Cant find anywhere that isnt riddled with spike protein. Cars, busses, trains all choc full too. 

The plan is carefully thought out to get you to the venue as clear as possible. I was never finding a 60 bed hotel on the planet without this AI shiiiiit in all the beds carpets drapes and food. Add to that the morgellans you spray in chemtrails, thats 96% of the western world out. 

You probably wont even find out the final destination till you get there. 

Thank you for your understanding.



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